

Studies in Writing and Rhetoric Series, Editor

The CCCC Studies in Writing & Rhetoric (SWR) series, established in 1984, aims to influence how writing gets taught at the college level. The methods of studies vary from the critical to historical to linguistic to ethnographic, and their authors draw on work in the many various fields that inform composition—including rhetoric, communication, education, discourse analysis, psychology, cultural studies, and literature. Their focuses are similarly diverse, ranging from studies of individual writers and teachers, to work on classrooms and communities and curricula, to analyses of the social, political, and material contexts of writing and its teaching.

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New City Community Press, Founder

As one of the founding members of Gifford Street Community Press, we unite in the spirit of collective work and responsibility to coordinate a neighborhood Press where the multilingual and multicultural voices of the people will be heard and shared. We hope to be part of this community’s kinship by sharing in personal and neighborhood struggles, triumphs, and producing collected works of creative expression.  The Press wants to support conversation and to build relationships, which will foster greater civic awareness of local issues and when necessary, support resident driven change in the neighborhood.  This press hopes to produce and showcase artwork, writings, and other meaningful cultural pieces that represent authentic voices from the community. The press will gather local compositions through writing workshops, Westside community events, and forums.  Our mission is to contribute to the promotion of love, healing, and respect within the Westside, and validate the existence of peoples and cultures represented in the Westside Community.

Writing is a project created by Steve Parks, Samantha Blackmon, and Cristina Kirklighter that responds to the need to both preserve and expand access to records documenting the collective work of English teachers as a way of supporting NCTE’s commitment to social justice and equality.In conjunction with efforts to chronicle historical moments for NCTE’s Centennial Celebration, this project specifically celebrates the collective work of teachers within and across diverse identities to ensure the field recognize and respect the language, educational, political, and social rights of all students and teachers. A digital archive has been set up to document the work of NCTE/CCCC caucuses, committees, and task forces that have advocated within and outside of the profession to achieve these goals. Many of these groups are using this digital archive to interview their respective founders and write up their groups’ histories. To access the video archive of interviews with founding members of the caucuses/special interest groups, click here.

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Writing, Culture, and Community Practices, Co-Editor with Eileen Schell
Syracuse University Press is pleased to introduce a new series focusing on Writing, Culture, and Community Practices. The series seeks manuscripts that move between disciplinary identity and community practices and that address how writing/literacies are enacted to create social empowerment and social change.

Work submitted for this series should:

  • describe and analyze literacy and writing projects that work with communities for individual and collective community goals;
  • enact and model methods of community/scholarly partnership;
  • represent knowledge about community members’ lives, often through coauthored works by community partners;
  • demonstrate interaction between scholarly and community-based modes of knowledge, writing, and social action.

In addition to publishing book-length studies, the series also seeks small-run publications that emerge out of university/community partnerships for inclusion and distribution within the series. Those interested in submitting their work for this series should consult the author guidelines at .



The Best of the Independent Rhetoric and Composition Journals,  Co-Editor with Brian Bailie and Jessica Pauszek

This series represents the result of a nationwide conversation—beginning with journal editors, but expanding to teachers, scholars and workers across the discipline of Rhetoric and Composition—to select essays that showcase the innovative and transformative work now being published in the field’s independent journals. Representing both print and digital journals in the field, the essays featured here explore issues ranging from classroom practice to writing in global and digital contexts, from writing workshops to community activism. Together, the essays provide readers with a rich understanding of the present and future direction of the field.

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